Hesekiel 15 | New International Reader’s Version

Hesekiel 15 | New International Reader’s Version

Jerusalem is like a useless vine

1 A message from the LORD came to me. Here is what the LORD said. 2 ‘Son of man, how is the wood of a vine different from the wood of any tree in the forest? 3 Can its wood ever be made into anything useful? Can pegs be made from it to hang things on? 4 Suppose it is thrown in the fire to be burned. And the fire burns both ends and blackens the middle. Then is the wood useful for anything? 5 It was not useful when it was whole. So how can it be made into something useful now? The fire has burned it and blackened it.’ 6 Here is what the LORD and King says. ‘Instead of the wood of any tree in the forest, I have given the vine to burn in the fire. I will treat the people who live in Jerusalem the same way. 7 I will turn against them. They might have come out of the fire. But the fire will destroy them anyway. I will turn against them. Then you will know that I am the LORD. 8 I will make the land a dry and empty desert. My people have not been faithful to me,’ announces the LORD and King.